Metal Slug X

Metal Slug X

Developer: SNK     Publisher: Agetec     Released: 04/14/01    Genre: Action Metal Slug was a breath of fresh air within the Neo Geo library. In a sea of fighting games and the occasional shooter a bad ass side scrolling action game...
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R-Type Delta

R-Type Delta

Developer: Irem     Publisher: Agetec     Released: July 31, 1999     Genre: Shooter I loved the shooter genre from the 8 to 16-bit era. But around the time the PlayStation and Saturn were released the genre started to lose me. Not because of...
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Developer: From Software     Publisher: Agetec     Released: October26, 2000     Genre: Action RPG Back in the day there were usually large gaps between console releases in each region. Before gaming publications and the internet it didn’t matter...
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